• $100

Silicone Water Repellent Silway732

Silway 732 is 100% methyl hydrogen siloxane. As there are relatively active Si-H bonds in the molecule, under the action of catalysts it can react with chemicals containing active groups, such as double bonds or hydroxyl groups.

Silway 732 water repellent can be converted into film and produce a resilient waterproof coating on various substrates by catalyst at low temperature. Therefore, Silway 732 water repellent has the outstanding property which prevents moisture, mildew and rust.

Besides, Silway 732 water repellent has a high permeability to water vapor, allowing the material to breathe.

Typical Applications

•As a surface treatment in applications that utilize its ability to impart a water repellent surface and reduce water absorption

•For use on powders, glass, ceramic, leather, paper,metal, cement and marble

Key Features

•Reduces water absorption into the substrate, thus reducing spalling due to freeze-thaw and efflorescence, thereby increasing the life of the substrate


•Produces a durable film aftercuring

•Curing time and curing temperature can be adjusted

•Effective concentration as low as 0.2%
